
Very often data analysis requires a certain location on the the image, for example, the Point Response Function (PSF) depends on the location of the image center. When ever a pixel location is needed lextrct always prompts for this information in the same way. It is always possible to specify the location in detector or pixel units. If you have an image that is currently being displayed on a PGPLOT device that supports a cursor, then lextrct will also allow you to select a location using the cursor. In general, the cursor is not totally accurate and reproducible, but it provides a easy method to quickly pick out a spot on the image for further analysis.

If the FITS file contained a full set of World Coordinate System (WCS) FITS key words, then it is possible to specify the position in terms of RA and Dec.

If you have an image displayed, then lextrct prompts for a position using:

Cursor, or Pixels (P)?

If you enter a P then lextrct will ask you for a pixel location as X,Y coordinates. Likewise if you enter C, Lextrct will activate the PGPLOT cursor and you will move the cursor to the location you want and click. Lextrct does not list options that are not valid, thus is you have not displayed the image or the PGPLOT device does not support a cursor the prompt is reduced to

Pixels (P)?

to indicate that only a pixel can be entered at that point.

Lextrct remembers the last location you entered and that is the default.

Note, lextrct allows you to type answers to following questions without being prompted. Thus at the "Cursor, or Pixels (P)?" prompt, it is possible to enter "P 1023, 200". If you do this then lextrct will read the 1023,200 as the pixel location and not prompt you again for a pixel position. This feature is carried to extreme in the BOunds command where the single input line of

bo s p 1023,300 10 y s 1023,300 100

would enter all the data BOunds needs. A useful feature is that you can enter more than one cursor command on the command line and thus avoid toggling back and forth between the graphics device and the terminal. Thus the following

bo r c c y r c c

will allow you to click on the graphics device 4 times to define the corners of two rectangular bounds.

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