[Artist's Concept of AXAF-I] AXAF Project Science: MP2 Cu-L spot sizes


Here are the images of Cu-L spot from the EIPS at XRCF. The overlay grid has a spacing of 500 microns (0.5 mm). The GIF images are only for part of the total FITS image. For the higher voltages there is some transmission through the pinhole foil that shows up as enhanced background in a circle centered on the pinhole image. (The GIF images are entirely inside this circle.)

Filter            = 1.4 microns Cu
Magnification     = 3.54 - 3.64
Data taken        = 1996-09-25
To get a compressed tar file of all the FITS images in this sequence click here: FITS data.
Source Bias Beam Filament Exposure Thumbnail GIF
(kV) (V) (mA) (A) (sec)
0 0 0 0 600 *
2.00 32 1.56 6.00 300 *
2.00 44 0.845 6.00 300 *
2.00 44 0.826 6.00 300 *
4.00 50 3.11 6.00 300 *
4.00 88 1.37 6.00 300 *
4.00 88 1.50 6.00 60 *
4.00 88 1.45 6.00 60 *
4.00 88 1.45 6.00 60 *
4.00 88 1.38 6.00 300 *
8.00 60 0.50 5.56 300 *
8.00 136 0.35 5.60 300 *
8.00 176 0.30 5.65 300 *
8.00 176 0.30 5.65 300 *
0 0 0 0 600 *

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